Sex Toys, Sexual Pleasure

10 Cool Details About Clitoris That You Didn’t Know

Last Updated on March 9, 2022 by admin

There are a lot of myths about the ‘tiny’ clitoris and it is sad that even with sex education, most people are clueless about it, women included. It is mainly represented as part of the vagina but it is a massive part as far as a woman’s pleasure is concerned. To understand this, let’s get facts straight about the clitoris and maybe we can finally know its worth and give to Caesar what to belongs to Caesar.

If the clitoris was a six sense its function would be pleasure

Actually, unlike the penis, the sole purpose of the clitoris is for pleasure. No, not reproduction! Nevertheless, after achieving orgasms it better be left alone, because its exhaustion can lead to pain.

It is beyond what meets the eye

The visible part of what most people refer to as the clitoris is only a tip of the iceberg (clitoral head and the hood). The tip is just but a quarter and the rest is inside the vaginal area extending to the thighs which includes clitoral legs, urethral sponge, erectile tissue, glands and vestibular bulbs. Yes, the pleasure is quite extensive!

Numerous nerves for numerous sensations

Small at it is, the clitoris has 8000 nerves, twice as much as those in a tip of a penis. It is made up of 18 parts which include erectile tissue, nerves and muscles. So you can only imagine or relate to the pleasure!

It expands when “heated”

Just like the penis, the clitoris grows when aroused. It can grow by 50-300%. YES!

When at ease, the corpora cavernosa extends to the thighs, all relaxed. Once aroused, it curves resulting to the expansion. Dont believe us?? Then  checkout this awesome PSA about the clit.

Clitoris has not always been as sweet…….especially in the past

Today, most women are aware of their clitoris and the lucky ones, are exploring theirs. Sadly, in the past it was removed to cure depression, ‘women’s desire for sex’ and other mental ‘illnesses’

Some women were considered witches because they had ‘extra desire for sex’. Unfortunately, today some of these discriminating practices are happening in some parts of the world. Young girl’s and women’s clitoris is cut in the name of circumcision, culture or to reduce their need for intercourse.

A clitoris is small penis and a penis is a large clitoris

After conception to about 12 weeks after, it is difficult to predict a fetus gender. It is afterwards when the penis or labia starts forming that we can differentiate.

Also both the clitoris and the penis have similar structures such as glans, foreskin-known as the hood, the shaft – which expands when aroused and the erectile tissue. In fact, in some cases of gender confirmation, the clitoris is expanded to form a penis using hormones. On the other hand, the penis is reduced to a clitoris.

It grows as a woman grows

Apparently, the clitoris does not know of stagnation.  A woman’s clitoris in their 70’s is usually 2.5 times larger than when they were teens. However, unlike for most men and the penis, size does not matter.

Women orgasm……touch the clit

Again, for most women between 50-75% get to orgasms from clitoral stimulation aside intercourse, Vaginal, Cervical and G Spot Orgasms. Hail the contractions. A clitoris orgasm can result to a range of 3-16 contractions that can last between 10-30 seconds. However, this does not exclude the fact that women can orgasm from penetration.

A woman clitoris is as unique as her fingerprints

This is in terms of size, need to get to orgasm, appearance and shape. No one has the same clitoris as the other one. Some clitorises are visible while others lie beneath the hood, some like it rough and some like to be touched gently. In short, one “woman’s” meet is another “woman’s” poison. Their color ranges from pink to black.

To get to know the clitoris and find out what works and what doesn’t, it takes time. Some women do not know their clit very well either.

The name Clitoris

Currently, the clitoris is popularly known as the clit, a word that began in America in the 1950s. However, the origin of the word is the Ancient Greek (κλειτορίς, kleitoris) meaning “to shut” or “key”. Yes, it is a key to doors of many adventures of pleasure.

Aside from its history, the clitoris has nicknames ranging from ‘bald man in a boat’, ‘cherry pit,’ ‘love button,’ ‘rosebud,’ ‘joy buzzzer’ and ‘man in canoe’. Honey have you seen my joy buzzzer?”

Identifying, exploring and getting pleasure from the clitoris is not rocket science. However, getting the facts right is essential. I wish you as much clitoral orgasms as there can be. 🙂

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